
Professional and Industrial
Robotics & Training
Module 1

1.1 Introduction to Embedded Systems

1.2 Scope in Embedded Systems

Module 2

2.1 Introduction to microcontroller 8051 series

2.2 Hardware architecture of controller

2.3 Controller I/O ports

2.4 Memories of controller

2.5 Registers and Register bank of controller

2.6 Concept of Serial communication ,Interrupt etc.

Module 3

3.1 Introduction of Embedded Software

3.2 Introduction of Embedded C Programming and programming concepts

3.3 Introduction of program burning / flashing software

Module 4

4.1 I/O interfacing concept

4.2 Led Blinking logic and delay generation routine

4.3 Design of Traffic Light Controller System


Module 5

5.1 Character LCD 16×2 interfacing logic and concept

5.2 Introduction of LCD command and data signals

5.3 LCD based programming

5.4 Practical project based on character LCD

Module 6

6.1 Matrix keypad interfacing logic and concept

6.2 Introduction of key pad interfacing using polling method

6.3 Matrix keypad programming

6.4 Practical project based on matrix keypad

Module 7

7.1 Introduction to serial communication

7.2 Serial communication concept

7.3 Introduction of serial communication firmware and registers

7.4 Serial communication programming

7.5 Practical application based on Serial communication

Module 8

8.1 Introduction of interrupts in controller

8.2 Interrupt logic and concept

8.3 Interrupt routines / programming

8.4 Key interfacing using interrupt

8.5 Practical application based on interrupt

Module 9

9.1 Introduction of Relay

9.2 Relay interfacing and comparison of relay with other switching devices

9.3 Relay programming

9.4 Practical application based on relay

Module 10

10.1 Introduction of ADC

10.2 ADC interfacing

10.3 ADC programming

Module 11

11.1 Introduction of DTMF mobile technology

11.2 DTMF technology interfacing in real application

11.3 DTMF programming

11.4 Practical project design based on DTMF technology

Module 12

12.1 Introduction of RF Communication

12.2 RF technology interfacing in real application

12.3 RF module programming

12.4 Practical project design based on RF technology

Module 13

13.1 Introduction to RFID communication

13.2 RFID technology interfacing in real application

13.3 RFID module programming

13.4 Practical project design based on RFID technology

Module 14

Mini Project Design

Module 15

Practical designing of Major project based on above technology